❣️ Tips for the Best Lashes

Your Guide to Hella Healthy and Lusciously Long Lashes:

⏰ Tip 1: Routine Regime
We cannot stress this enough: consistency is essential if you want to see results. Make applying our serum a daily ritual. Night is the prime time to let that serum soak into your lash roots and work its magic undisturbed, so don't snooze on that step! However, especially at the beginning of your lash journey, make it a part of your skin care routine both day and night. We are biased, but we think our packaging is pretty darn cute - leave your Pretty Please by your sink or on your nightstand if you need the visual reminder to apply daily.

🛁 Tip 2: So Fresh and So Clean (Clean) 🎶 
Gunk-free lashes are essential! Before you swipe on our lash serum, make sure those lashes are squeaky clean and dry. Leftover makeup or oily products will get in the way of the serum from absorbing. V IMPORTANT: Say 'bye, Felicia' to castor oil and Vaseline before applying the serum in your nightly routine. Those products can clog your pours, and do more harm than good. (Read more about this in our Debunking the Old Wives Tales blog post!)

👼 Tip 3: Treat Your Lashes Gently
Handle your lashes with TLC. Avoid sleeping in your makeup or tugging at your lashes when taking off mascara. We all naturally shed 1-5 lashes per day as a part of the regular growth cycle, but being kind to your lashes will help prevent unnecessary lash-loss. For our girlies who consistently rock falsies, be gentle removing your lashes/glue.

💫 Tip 4: Mascara Makeover
Out with the old, in with the new! DYK that you should replace your mascara at least every 6 months to avoid potential eye infections and clumpy, lash-damaging situations?

😎 Tip 5: Throwin’ Shade
Protect those beautiful lashes from UV rays like a celeb dodging paparazzi. Sunglasses will shield your lashes from heat damage and dryness. Vacation mode or everyday outing, sunnies are a must-have accessory! (Think of it like your locks; using your curling iron or straightener daily is bad for your hair... same goes for your tiny lash hairs + heat.)

🧘🏻‍♀️ Tip 6: Nourish from Within
A healthy, balanced diet works wonders for not only your body but also your skin and those fabulous eyelash hairs. Get glowing skin and lush lashes by fueling up with the good stuff.

💓 Tip 7: Lash Curler Love
If you're all about that eyelash curler life, remember to switch out the pad every six months. Keep it fresh and effective for those mesmerizing curls without causing any lash drama.

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